Marianna Schwartz

freelance translator / qualified translator
Free capacity
0% - I do not accept new translation jobs at the moment
Member since
2007.04.16. (6507 day(s) from registration)
Last profile update
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Monthly visitors
Given/posted quotes
141 / 0
Working languages
Hungarian, English
Fields of expertise
literature, politics, general, law, pszichológia, trade & commerce, sports, culture, marketing & sales, economics, media, environment, science, business, official documents, education, tourism, tendering, music
I am a translator specialised in Economics and Social Sciences, and an English teacher. As I am interested in many topics I have lots of areas. I work on my computer. I am an expert on CATs. I use Memoq Pro.
Experience in translating (more than 5 years)
Native language proficiency
I can issue an invoice
Professional data
I was the project coordinator of a Socrates Comenius Project between 4 schools. I translated our materials into English and theirs into Hungarian, including our tenders and reports.
I did voluntary translation work for Kidlink. (I translated webpages by Composer.)
Since 2008 I have been working for translator agencies too, for example EnviroClean Hungary Kft. Millennium Business C Kft, and Concord Translation Agency.
I have translated for Könyvmolyképző Kiadó and Álomgyár Kiadó.
Type of educations Title of degree Name of institution Length of training Date of graduation
Specialised training társadalomtudományi és gazdasági szakfordító Szent István Egyetem, Gödöllő 2 év 2007
Membership in professional organizations
Felelős Fordító, Pest megyei és Érd Megyei Jogú Városi Kereskedelmi és Ipari Kamara
E-mail address
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