Klara Potoczki

freelance translator
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Member since
2000.11.16. (8850 day(s) from registration)
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Given/posted quotes
5 / 2
Working languages
Hungarian, Croatian, Macedonian, Serbian, Slovenian
Fields of expertise
veterinary medicine, official documents, media, accounting, general, tourism, agriculture, software localization, health & medicine, information technology, engineering, telecommunications, electronics, literature, botany, environment, food & beverages, law, education, science, building & construction, trade & commerce, tendering, business, economics, culture, finance, chemistry, mechanical engineering, politics, electricity, pharmaceutical, marketing & sales, sports, music, authentication
Translating and interpreting from/into Serbian, Croatian, Slovenian, Macedonian
Experience in translating (more than 5 years)
I can issue an invoice
Professional data

Time, job, amount, source and target language
Act on the mines in Croatia (68 p.) CRO>HU
Veterinarian Prospect (8 p.) HU>SLO
Analysis of the Business Situation of the Factory of Alum earth in Slovenia
(17 p.) SLO>HU
Judgements of the Metropolitan Court of Budapest (11 p.) HU>SR
Subtitles for SLO and MAC filmes for Filmfestival Moveast (60 p.) SLO-HU, MAC-HU
Employment contracts (13 p.) MAC>HU
Judgements of the Court in Croatia (28 p.) CRO>HU
Marketing Authorisation Pursuant to the health products (21 p.) HU>SLO
Indictment of the Prosecution Service in Szeged (7 p.) HU>MAC
Tourist brochures (70 p.) SLO>HU
Law on motorway tolls in Slovenia (40 p.) SLO>HU
Draft agreement on the International Transport of Passangers and Goods
(10 p.) SR>HU
Refugee Protection (brochure of UN) (20 p.) HU>SLO
Tender Documentations of telecommunication company Telekom Slovenije (50 p.) SLO>HU
Documentacion of establishment of subsidiary company of insurance company in Slovenia, Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account (15 p.) HU>SLO
Subtitles for theatre performances of SNT Drama Ljubljana (Alamut, Edward II) (70 p.) SLO-HU
Subtitles for YU, BiH, MAC filmes (90 p.) SR-HU, MAC-HU, BiH-HU
Newsleter of Titus+Lama+Huwil concern (furniture fittings) (25 p.) SLO>HU
Medical translation (SPC, PIL) of medicines by Krka (30 p.) SLO>HU
Building permit for industrial oil and gas company MOL-INA (15 p.) CRO>HU
Directions for Use of universal mulcher (20 p.) SLO>HU
Product Cataloge of KRUPS Kitchen machines (15 p.) HU>SLO
Blacksmithing manual for quality control and safety at work (200 p.) SLO>HU
Slovenian Technical Approval for construction products, Control Plan, Control Report (45 p.) SLO>HU
Prospects of Normstahl garage doors (30 p.) SLO>HU
Prospects of LiuGong Wheel Loaders and Hydraulic Excavators (25 p.) HU>SLO
Real Estate Opinion (9 p.) CRO>HU
Unilever recipes 2006 (26 p.) HU>SLO
Slovenian Technical Approval for construction products (5 p.) HU>SLO
Directions for Use of pneumatic decoiler, straightener and feeder (55 p.) SLO>HU
Judgements of the Metropolitan Court of Budapest (70 p.) HU>SR, HU>CRO
Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by by road
(15 p.) HU>MAC
Web Site of KOMPAS Hotel and LOVEC Hotel in Bled, Slovenia www.lovechotel.com, www.kompashotel.com (22 p.) SLO>HU
Business Correspondance and Legal material (25 p.) SLO>HU
Web Site of Calcit d.o.o (calcium carbonate fillers, granulates and sands) (20 p.) SLO>HU (http://www.calcit.si/hu/
Recipients with margarine Rama (37 p.) SLO>HU
Decree on biofuels and parts of slovenian Law on revenue tax (40 p.) SLO>HU
Home pages of Kenson Optical Data Carrier Ltd. www.kenson-optical.com (24 p.) HU>SLO
Directions for use of Landmann Grill (15 p.) HU>SLO
Legal material of TKK Tovarna Kemičnih izdelkov in proizvodnja krede Srpenica
(45 p.) HU>SLO
Are you treated Equally regardless your Nationality or Faith? – brochure of ISCOMET; International Scientific Conference Minorities for Europe (18 p.) SLO>HU
Safety sheets and user manuals for insecticides (UNICHEM d.o.o) (200 p.) HU>SLO
TKK polyurethane foams, sealants and adhesives, multipurpose grease, technical aerosols (25 p.) SLO>HU
Press informations of Exhibition Pomurski sejem (20 p.) SLO>HU
Community Trademarks (180 p.) HU>SLO
Tender Documentations (40 p.) SLO>HU
Curricula of course „The method of sampling” by State Audit Office of Hungary in Macedonia (150 p.) HU>MAC
Directions for use of Hidria Perles tools (Percussion drill, Mixers, Polisher, Circular saw, Oscillating sander, Angle grinder, Pneumatic rotary hammer) (70 p.) SLO>HU
Court Decisions HU>SR, HU>SLO, HU>MAC (15 p.)
Notarial acknowledgements (80 p.) HU>SLO
TRIMO roof panels prospectus (20 p.) SLO>HU
Tender Documentation (40 p.) HU>MAC
Correspondance with Tax authority (10 p.) SLO>HU
Sale contract (18 p.) SLO>HU
Arraignment of Public Prosecution in Debrecen (5 p.) HU>SR
Balance Sheet (20 p.) HU>CRO
Guarantee agreement (16 p.) CRO>HU
Brochures of hair cosmetics Subrina (40 p.) SLO>HU
Bill on the Personal and Property Protection (40 p.) SLO>HU
Tax residence certificates (680 p.) HU>SLO
Audit Report (20 p.) CRO>HU
ISDN Manual (50 p.) SR>HU
Price system of Natural Gas in Serbia (24 pages) SR>HU
Political and Administrative Decentralization (14 p.) HU>MAC
Decree on enlarge the size of blind of gaming machines (28 p.) SLO>HU
Bulletin 2000 of Tax and Financial Control Administration of Hungary (35 p.) HU>CRO
Report of Hungarian Privatization And State Holding Company on privatisation in Hungary (18 p.) HU>CRO


2008 Drama of Biljana Srbljanović: Mantises (Skakakvci) in theater Katona József in Budapest
2001 Jože Vogrinc: Viewer (Slovenian media sociology) (Budapest, Pont Kiadó)
1998 Slovenian Studies of Religion (in: Replika, 31-32.)
1998 Correspondence of Four Yugoslav Writers in the Balkan War (in: Replika, 30.)
1997 Svetlana Slapšak: Jugo-zombie (Serbian essay) (in: Beszélő, 1997/11)
1997 Svetlana Slapšak: Video-death (Serbian essay) (in: Filmvilág, 1997/9)
1997 Bogdan Bogdanović: The Town and the Death (Serbian essay) (in: Átváltozások, 1997/9)
1997 Svetlana Slapšak: Parisian Cemeteries (Serbian essay) (in: Café Bábel, 1997/2)
1996 Svetlana Slapšak: Pines (Serbian essays) (in: Ex Symposion, 1996/15-16)
1994 Ivo Andrić: Notes for Writers (Serbian essay) (Budapest, in: C.E.T. 1994/5-6)
1994 Ivo Andrić: Extradition (Serbian short story) (Budapest, in: C.E.T. 1994/7-8)
1980 - 1992 Translating Hungarian literature into Serbian
1994 Kerényi Károly: The Daughters of the Sun. Reflections about Helios and the Greek Goddess (classical study, Alef, Gradac, 1994)
1994 Hamvas Béla: Invisible Story (essey) (Belgrade, 1994)
1991 Hamvas Béla: Heloise and Abelard (essay) (Belgrade, Sveske, 1991)
1984 A Selection of Contemporary Hungarian Literature (Gradac 59, Čačak, 1984)
1983 Örkény István: One Minute Short Stories (Belgrade, 1983)

2010 Slovenian Language Exam C1 (Spričevalo o izpitu iz znanja slovenščine na visoki ravni)
2002 Certificate in Macedonian interpreting
1979, 2002 Participation on Seminar of the Macedonian Language, Literature and Culture, organized by the University of Skopje
2001 Certificate in Serbian interpreting and specialized translation
1980 Diploma in Serbo-Croatian language and literature, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Faculty of Humanities
1977, 1978, 1979 Participation on Seminar of the Slovene Language, Literature and Culture, organized by the University of Ljubljana


Since 2001 Translating and interpreting from/into Serbian, Croatian, Slovenian, Macedonian
Since 1992 Translating Serbian, Croatian, Slovenian, Macedonian fiction, essays and sociology into Hungarian
CAT software level
memoQ (medium level)
Type of educations Title of degree Name of institution Length of training Date of graduation
BSc / BA magyar-szerbhorvát középiskolai tanár ELTE BTK 5 év 1980
Membership in professional organizations
Szent István út 4., 1212 Budapest
E-mail address
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