Juhász József

freelance translator / qualified translator, interpreter
Free capacity
100% - I am free to accept new translation jobs
Member since
2005.10.03. (7068 day(s) from registration)
Last profile update
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Monthly visitors
Given/posted quotes
99 / 0
Positive: 1
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Working languages
Hungarian, Romanian, English, Russian, Moldavian, Ukrainien
Fields of expertise
politics, general, law, trade & commerce, electronics, culture, proof-reading, software localization, building & construction, marketing & sales, telecommunications, economics, media, mechanical engineering, agriculture, science, pharmaceutical, engineering, business, authentication, official documents, education, electricity, tourism, tendering, information technology, finance, European Union
I have been offering translation, revision, editing, proofreading, project management, brand name analysis and interpretation services since 1999.
I have been working two times at the Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union. For more information please visit my website: www.juhasz.ro
Experience in translating (more than 5 years)
Native language proficiency
I can issue an invoice
Professional data
Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union, Luxembourg; SC TRADEURO SRL - Translation agency; SC Total Term SRL; Spectus s.r.o.; Multi-Lingua Kft.; Mobil Service SRL; Multi-Languages Corporation, etc.
CAT software level
SDL Trados Studio (medium level), Smartling (high level), Memsource (medium level), memoQ (medium level), Wordfast (basic level), Passolo (medium level), Trados 7 (basic level), SDL Trados 2007 (basic level), SDL Trados Studio 2009 (high level), SDLX, ForeignDesk, Wordbee, SDL Trados Studio 2014/2015
Type of educations Title of degree Name of institution Length of training Date of graduation
BSc / BA Angol és orosz nyelv és irodalom Babeș-Bolyai Tudományegyetem, Kolozsvár 4 év 1998
MSc / MA / MBA Fordítástudomány és Terminológia - mesteri fokozat Babeș-Bolyai Tudományegyetem, Kolozsvár 1 év 2008
Course Intensive Business English Language Course ZONI Language Centers, New York, USA 1 hónap 2008
@@@Education_other@@@ Szakképzettség elismerése - szakfordító és szaktolmács Oktatási Hivatal - Magyarország 4 év 1998
Specialised training Orosz nyelv Pushkin State Russian Language Institute - Государственный Институт Русского Языка им. А.С. Пушкина, Moszkva 3 hónap 1996
Membership in professional organizations
Magyar Fordítók és Tolmácsok Egyesülete, Felelős Fordító, Romániai Fordítók Egyesülete, ATA-American Translators Association, CIOL-Chartered Institute of Linguists, IAPTI-International Association of Professional Translators and Interpreters, NAJIT-National Association of Judiciary Interpreters & Translators, Proz.com, TC Master
Muzeul Apei u. 19A/1 sz., Floresti/Szászfenes, 407280 Cluj-Napoca / Kolozsvár / Klausenburg
E-mail address
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